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Walden’s MPH program is CEPH Accredited and designed to provide you with the skills and competencies required to improve health and prevent disease among individuals, communities, and populations. The program includes a required field experience to provide you the opportunity to synthesize knowledge, develop competence in professional practice in the foundation areas identified by CEPH, apply knowledge to the solution of public health problems, and also develop a respect for and commitment to continued professional knowledge. 

Making a difference in your profession requires both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Why a Practicum?

Completing a practicum gives you defined, real-world field experience in your area of interest under the supervision of Walden faculty and an on-site supervisor (your preceptor).

The practicum experience is designed to provide you with:

  • The opportunity to apply and integrate the knowledge acquired throughout your program.
  • A real-world experience of direct practice.
  • Mentoring from faculty and experts in your area of study.
  • The chance to make a difference in your field.
  • Proficiency with necessary skills for professional practice.

Read the MPH Practicum Manual

You are required to read the MPH Practicum Manual in detail and adhere to the policies included within. You must confirm that you have read and understand all the policies in this manual when you apply for your applied practice experience. Failure to comply with the policies within this manual is considered a violation of Walden’s Code of Conduct and Professional Competence Policy and may result in formal sanctions, including, but not limited to, award of a failing course grade, Code of Conduct inquiry, and dismissal from the university. See the student handbook for details and contact the Field Education Coordinator for questions. 

Determine When You Will Take the Practicum

The MPH program is 64 quarter credit hours. You will complete practicum during your last 1 or 2 quarters of enrollment. You should contact your student success advisor (SSA) halfway through your program for assistance in determining when you are due to begin your practicum:

Determine Your Application Deadline

You must submit your practicum application in Meditrek one full quarter before beginning practicum (PUBH 6638 or PUBH 6637 depending on your catalog).   

Applying for practicum can be a lengthy process. We recommend you learn your practicum requirements at the beginning of your program. This can help remedy any problems that may arise before your application is due.  

Deadlines are critical. Failure to submit your practicum application by the deadline may result in a delay to the next quarter and a delay in your graduation date. 

Application Deadlines

Fall Quarter

Application Deadline: First day of preceding summer quarter 

Winter Quarter

Application Deadline: First day of preceding fall quarter 

Spring Quarter

Application Deadline: First day of preceding winter quarter 

Summer Quarter

Application Deadline: First day of preceding spring quarter 

Preceptor Requirements

Your preceptor must meet the requirements below to be nominated to serve as your preceptor. This information will be reviewed during the application process to determine if they are an appropriate choice.

  • Holds an advanced degree - master's degree or higher (MPH preferred but not required)
  • Has at least TWO years of public health experience
  • Currently works in public health in your area of interest
  • Must be employed by and be on-site as appropriate at the chosen field site
  • Has the time and desire to guide and support your experience
  • If you select your place of employment as your field site, you cannot use your work manager as your preceptor
  • If applicable, has the technological capabilities to provide direct video observation and agrees to provide such direct video observation

Student Requirements (Enrolled through Summer 2023)

To begin your practicum course, you must apply, be approved, and registered for the course. You must wait until the first official day of the course to begin your hours.


  • There are two practicum courses, PUBH 6638 and PUB 6639
  • PUBH 6638 is a prerequisite for PUBH 6639, you cannot take them in the same quarter
  • You must complete a total of 200 hours of practicum at the same site, spread over PUBH 6638 and PUBH 6639
  • Practicum hours can only be completed when you are participating in your practicum course
  • You must begin logging practicum hours during the first two weeks of the practicum course
  • You cannot log hours outside of being registered in your practicum course, including the few weeks between PUBH 6638 and 6639
  • You can finish all your required practicum hours while enrolled in the first course, PUBH 6638, but you still need to take PUBH 6639

Student Requirements (Enrolled Fall 2023 or after)

To begin your practicum course, you must apply, be approved, and registered for the course. You must wait until the first official day of the course to begin your hours.


  • There is one practicum course, PUBH 6637.
  • You must complete a total of 120 hours of practicum at the same site.
  • Practicum hours can only be completed when you are participating in your practicum course.
  • You must begin logging practicum hours during the first two weeks of the practicum course.
  • You cannot log hours outside of being registered in your practicum course.

Professional Preparation

These Professional Preparation resources may assist you in your search for a field site. While they are not a required part of your application, it is recommended you review the resources as they may help you in your future career search as well.

Familiarize Yourself With Meditrek

Meditrek is a user-friendly online tool that will help you search for field sites, submit your practicum application, monitor the status of your practicum application, and complete the evaluation process. Meditrek will help you:

  • Search for previously used field sites near you.
  • Provide an easy and trackable system to submit your practicum application(s).
  • Collaborate more effectively with faculty and preceptors.
  • Provide documentation of your experience to potential employers.
  • Access the system 24 hours a day from anywhere with an Internet connection, including your computer, tablet, and smartphone, even after you graduate.


You will receive access to Meditrek approximately 6 months before the start of PUBH 6638. You will receive an email when your account is created. Once created, you will be able to use your Walden portal classroom sign on information to login to Meditrek. If you do not have access by the time you begin your application, contact the MPH Field Experience Office.