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PSYC 4010 Assignment Resources: Week 4 Assignment

Capstone paper section 4

Assignment text: Find one scholarly article, and explain how it informs your position.

Explore ideas and find articles


If you need some help getting ideas of social change you can explore encyclopedias on social theory.  You can also view one of many Ted Talks topics about social change

The journal Social Change is full of peer-reviewed articles about social change from 1999 to the present.  You can search or browse this journal.

You can browse by clicking on the year of publication and then the volume and issue.



If your topic was pro-bono counseling to abused women, as in the example in your course, you may do a search for abused women


Be Aware: There may not be articles about your specific topic in this journal.  Browsing articles or searching in a database such as PsycINFO may make this process easier.


Once you know the social change issue that you are interested in, the steps to locating scholarly articles are the same as those used in Week 2.  Since the article you find doesn’t have to be exactly related to what you discuss in your paper, you may want to consider searching more broadly.  

Staying with the example of pro-bono counseling to abused women, if a search for pro-bono counseling AND abused women finds no articles you might try pro-bono counseling AND domestic abuse.  If this search finds no articles you might try just searching pro-bono counseling

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