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DDBA 8521 Week 1 Assignment: Week 1 Assignment


The week 1 assignment asks you to evaluate at least three foundational change management theories in the form of a properly formatted, APA-compliant taxonomy table. To help you complete this assignment, this guide provides instructions on how to locate articles on change management theories. After reviewing this guide, you should be able to:

  • locate an appropriate database
  • search for articles for your topic

Search for change management & theory articles

The search below will provide results on many different theories and theorists related to Change Management.

  1. On the Library homepage, navigate to the Research by Subject box.
  2. Click on Research by Subject and choose: Business & Management
  3. Now let's choose the database Business Source Complete. Login with your myWalden email and password. 
  4. Type your keywords into the search boxes for example:

    First Search Box:  

    "Change management" OR "Organizational development"

    Note: Be sure to use the quotation marks. They search for that exact phrase.

    Second Search Box:  


    Note: Be sure to use the asterisk on the truncated version of the word. This will search for any ending of the word.
    Note: You will also need to change the Select a Field (optional) drop down to AB Abstract.

  5. Under the search boxes, click inside the check mark boxes for "Full Text" and "Peer Reviewed".
  6. Here's what the Full Text and Peer Reviewed boxes look like:

  7. Click on Search

More help with locating theorists & theories

If you're not sure where to start, exploring encyclopedia entries can be a good place to discover theories in your area, and gain background information on the theory and related theorists.

Use an encyclopedia's Reader's Guide, Table of Contents, or Index to find information on theories and theorists. Or search the collection or individual title for a topic or theory.