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Tau Upsilon National Organization for Human Services: Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Academic Requirements for TUA Alpha Chi?

The academic requirements for the students is to have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale demonstrated by providing an official transcript with the application form.

How do I know if I am eligible for TUA Alpha Chi?

  1. Be full-time or part-time students enrolled in baccalaureate or graduate programs.
  2. Have membership applications approved and signed by the Chapter Advisor.
  3. Have declared a major or minor in human services or the most closely related major at the college within the social sciences.
  4. Agree to abide by the NOHS Code of Ethics found at
  5. Show evidence (requested on membership application form)of awareness of the value of leadership and service to a successful career in human services.

In addition:

  1. Bachelor Level students shall have completed at least the equivalent of three full-time semesters or five full-time quarters of college coursework.
  2. Graduate Level students shall have an accumulation of the number of graduate credit hours used by the college to designate one full-term equivalency for one academic term.


When are membership drives conducted each year?

Students may apply throughout the year. However the National Organization of Human Services induction ceremony is conducted once a year in October.

Is there a fee?

The fee for joining is $80.00 (non-refundable). 

Can Alumni join TUA Alpha Chi?

Members upon graduation. At this point (and at any point in the future), the member may choose from the following options:

a. Basic Alumni Membership: With no additional national dues payments, the Basic Alumni Member is simply required to maintain current contact information with the national office. Benefits include access to the members-only features on the Society web site and letters of verification for employers and institutions. Basic Alumni Members will not receive printed publications and cannot vote in elections.

b. Active Alumni Membership: With a national annual dues payment and current contact information provided to the national office, the Active Alumni Member receives these benefits: (a) access to members-only features on the Society website, (b) discounts on NOHS regular membership dues (does not apply to student membership dues), (c) eligibility to vote in Society elections and serve on the national governing board, (d) special printed publications (may or may not include Student Member newsletters), and (e) letters of verification for employers and institutions.


Can faculty become members of Alpha Chi?

Alpha Chi recognizes and encourages faculty and administration involvement. Candidates for membership must be full-time or part-time faculty in a Human Services or closely related field within the social sciences. They must have completed a minimum of one year full-time teaching or two years of part-time teaching at the College/University where they are inducted and must have maintained an overall scholastic average of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale while enrolled in their education program. All faculty should be chosen for their interest, ability to work effectively with students, and desire to promote the ideals of the Society.