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NURS 5052 Week 2 Assignment: Unfiltered Resources

Unfiltered resources

Evidence is not always available via filtered resources. Searching the primary literature may be required. It is possible to use specific search strategies in CINAHL, MEDLINE and other databases to find the highest possible level of evidence. For this portion of the assignment, you need to find three pieces of evidence from three different evidence levels as indicated on the levels of evidence pyramid. To retrieve these articles, it is recommended you use the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.

Database access

All the searches on this page instruct you to use the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database You can always access this database from at the Walden Library on the Nursing Research Home. Here are the steps for accessing that page.

  1. On the Library homepage, go to the Subject Resources box.


  2. Click on Select a subject and choose: Nursing.
  3. Scroll down until you see a section called Nursing articles, journals & books.
  4. Click on Nursing databases and then click on the link for CINAHL Plus with Full Text to access the database.

    Note: If you have not already logged in to the Library databases, you will be prompted to log in with your myWalden Portal user name and password.

Randomized controlled trials

Randomized controlled trials are the studies commonly used to support systematic reviews and are a high level of evidence. It is usually one of the easiest study types to find in any nursing or medical database.

Here is an example of a search for randomized controlled trial studies on a broad topic in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database:

  1. Access the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database located on the Nursing Research Home.

    Note: If you need help accessing the database, refer to the database access instructions at the top of this page.

  2. Once you are in the database, go to the first search box and enter your topic or keyword. For example, you could enter:


  3. In the second search box, enter any additional keywords. For example, you could enter:

    Infection Control



  4. To limit your results to only randomized controlled trials articles, scroll down the page below the search boxes and click in the box below Randomized Controlled Trials.

  5. Then click on the Search button to run your search.

If you don't find what you need in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database, you can use the same search strategy in our medical database:

Cohort studies

Cohort studies are a longitudinal study, or a type of observational study, that analyzes risk factors by following groups that share a common characteristic or experience over time. Since these studies have a long-term component, they promote better quality of evidence than a shorter study. They are also fewer in nature and harder to find.

Here is an example of a search for a cohort study on a broad topic in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database:

  1. Access the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database located on the Nursing Research Home.

    Note: If you need help accessing the database, refer to the database access instructions at the top of this page

  2. Once you are in the database, go to the first search box and enter your topic or keyword. For example, you could enter:


  3. In the second search box, enter any additional keywords. For example, you could enter:

    Infection Control

  4. In the third search box enter:

    "Cohort Study"


    Note: Putting quotation marks around a phrase tells the database to search for that exact phrase.


  5. Then click on the Search button to run your search.

If you don't find what you need in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database, you can use the same search strategy in our medical database:

Case studies

A Case Study, or case report, is a research method involving a detailed investigation of a single individual or a single organized group. Case studies may be prospective (in which criteria are established and cases fitting the criteria are included as they become available) or retrospective (in which criteria are established for selecting cases from historical records for inclusion in the study).

Here is an example of a search for case studies on a broad topic in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database:

  1. Access the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database located on the Nursing Research home.

    Note: If you need help accessing the database, refer to the database access instructions at the top of this page.

  2. Once you are in the database, go to the first search box and enter your topic or keyword. For example, you could enter:


  3. In the second search box, enter any additional keywords. For example, you could enter:

    Infection Control


  4. To limit your results to only case study articles, scroll down the page below the search boxes until you find the Publication Type box.
  5. In the Publication Type box select Case Study by finding it in the list and clicking on it (it will then be highlighted).

  6. Click on the Search button to run your search.

If you don't find what you need in the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database, you can use the same search strategy in our medical database: