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Field Experience: Riley College of Education and Human Sciences: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Elementary Education

The Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education program incorporates the standards of the Council for Education of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC), and the Minnesota standards for Elementary Education and Standards of Effective Practice.

Field Experiences

Field experiences are an integral part of the teacher preparation program at Walden. These experiences provide candidates with opportunities to apply course concepts in real environments that allow for increasing levels of responsibility. The field experiences relate to candidates’ professional goals, provide them with the opportunity to connect theory and practice, and prepare them for daily classroom responsibilities. Candidates are informed, monitored, and evaluated throughout all field experiences.

The Office of Field Experiences secures all field experience placements for teacher candidates. Field experience requirements are outlined in the Field Experience and Demonstration Teaching Handbook for the program.

Field Experience Forms and Deadlines

The Field Experience Forms are located in the candidate's ePortfolio. For more information about each of the below forms, please review the Teacher Candidate Guidebook and/or Field Experience and Demonstration Teaching Handbook.

1. Preferred Placement Form:  The Preferred Placement Form must be completed prior to starting field experiences. The form allows candidates to note the districts and schools within their geographic region, and is due two weeks after EDUC 2400 begins.

Click here for an instructional video on how to submit the Preferred Placement Form.


2. Professional Liability Insurance Verification Form:  The Professional Liability Insurance Verification Form must be completed prior to starting field experiences. The form is due two weeks after EDUC 2400 begins. The candidate may need to renew the professional liability insurance during the program to ensure coverage throughout all field experiences.

Click here for an instructional video on how to submit the Professional Liability Insurance Verification Form.


3. Plan of Study: A Plan of Study lists the course sequence a candidate plans to complete during the program. There are two types of plans of study – the Bridge to Professional Core plan of study, and the Professional Core to Completion plan of study. The Bridge to Professional Core plan of study includes all of the courses a candidate will take prior to starting the Professional Core courses. The Professional Core to Completion plan of study includes all of the courses in the Professional Core, including field experience courses and demonstration teaching.The Professional Core to Completion plan of study is due during the second week of EDUC 2400. Candidates should work with their Student Success Advisor to create their plan of study. 

Click here for an instructional video on how to submit the Plan of Study.


4. Field Experience Timesheets:  The Field Experience Timesheets serve as documentation of completed field experience hours. A signed timesheet is due at the end of each 6-week course containing field experiences.


5. Host Teacher Evaluations:  The Host Teacher Evaluations are completed by the candidate's host teacher after each field experience course. A signed evaluation is due at the end of each course containing field experiences.


6. Application for Demonstration Teaching:  The Application for Demonstration Teaching is due several months in advance of the Demonstration Teaching quarter. It is due January 31 for candidates who plan to demonstration teach during the next fall quarter, and is due July 31 for candidates who plan to demonstration teach during the next spring quarter.

Plan of Study

A Plan of Study lists the course sequence a candidate plans to complete during the program. There are two types of plans of study – the Bridge to Professional Core plan of study, and the Professional Core to Completion plan of study. The Bridge to Professional Core plan of study includes all of the courses a candidate will take prior to starting the Professional Core courses. The Professional Core to Completion plan of study includes all of the courses in the Professional Core, including field experience courses and demonstration teaching. Student Success Advisors will help candidates develop both types of plans of study during the program.

Bridge to Professional Core

The Bridge to Professional Core plan of study includes Humanities 1001 Living and Learning in a Technological World and all general education courses. The plan of study will take into account all transfer of credit that has been awarded. The Student Success Advising team will put together the Bridge to Professional Core plan of study and send it to the candidate for approval. Candidates will approve the plan of study, and the Student Success Advising team will then register the candidate based on the approved plan. Any adjustments that a candidate needs to make to the plan should be made in consultation with a Student Success Advisor.

Professional Core to Completion

Candidates must have their provisional admission cleared prior to starting the Professional Core to Completion. See the Teacher Candidate Guidebook for information on clearing the provisional admission.

The Professional Core to Completion plan of study begins with EDUC 2400 The Professional Educator. The plan will include the 12 courses in the Professional Core (seven of which require 15 hours of field experiences), plus demonstration teaching (a full-time 12 week experience). The plan will also allow time for candidates to complete any remaining degree requirements that were not completed during the Bridge to Professional Core plan of study.

The Student Success Advising team will put together the Professional Core to Completion plan of study and send it to the candidate for approval. Candidates must approve the plan of study, and upload it to their ePortfolio by the second week of EDUC 2400. The Student Success Advising team will then register the candidate based on the approved plan. Any adjustments that a candidate needs to make to the plan should be made in consultation with an Student Success Advisor.

Candidates must review the Professional Core to Completion plan of study each quarter, and send their approval to be registered for the next quarter to their Student Success Advisor. No changes to a Plan of Study can be made unless 1) the change does not impact when the candidate is scheduled to take a field experience course, or 2) the candidate is required to retake a professional core course.

Academic Calendar

Demonstration Teaching Forms

Information on the Demonstration Teaching Forms is included in the Field Experience and Demonstration Teaching Handbook.

Program Guidebook and Handbook

Candidates are required to read the Teacher Candidate Guidebook and Field Experience and Demonstration Teaching Handbook for the program. The documents are located in the ePortfolio and below.

Minnesota Teacher Licensure

There are two reasons to seek a license in Minnesota: (1) if the candidate resides in Minnesota, or (2) if the candidate first needs a Minnesota license to transfer to his or her home state (license in hand). The Minnesota licensure exams for the Elementary Education program include:

  1. MTLE Pedagogy: Elementary (Subtests 1 and 2)
  2. MTLE Content Area Test: Elementary (Subtests 1, 2, and 3)

For more information on the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exams, please visit:

Candidates who are not seeking a license in Minnesota must consult the department of education website in their home state, as it remains the individual’s responsibility to understand and comply with the out-of-state licensure requirements for the state in which he or she seeks to be licensed.