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COUN 6626 Assignment Resources: Week 1 Discussion

Library tutorials

Find a peer reviewed article

Assignment text: Search the Walden Library for one current (within last 10 years) peer-reviewed article related to the use of empirical evidence in clinical practice.

For this assignment you can use Thoreau, our multi-database search tool, to search a large number of Walden's databases at once. 

1. Use the search bar at the top of the Library homepage to search Thoreau.

2. In the search box, type your keywords. You might want to try: 



clinical practice

3. Click the magnifying glass search button.

You will get a list of results.

4. Limit to Peer Reviewed results only with the option on the left of the results.

5. Limit the Publication date using the limiters in the left-hand column. 

Do you see some articles that are relevant to your research?