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RSCH 8310 Week 10 Discussion 1: Week 10 Discussion 1

Goals and objectives

In Week 10 Discussion 1 you are asked to explain how you ensure the quality, trustworthiness, and credibility of your qualitative research.

This guide will help you to:

  • Conduct a search in SAGE Research Methods Online or the library databases to find items about quality, trustworthiness, or credibility.

SAGE Research Methods Online search tips

SAGE Research Methods Online will contain sources that help you understand the concepts of quality, trustworthiness, and credibility. For more information about SAGE and to learn how to access and use it please see the SAGE Research Methods Online tutorial

 Collectively the ideas of quality, trustworthiness, and credibility may be referred to as rigorFor this discussion you can search for each of those terms (quality, trustworthiness, and credibility) or the word rigor in SAGE Research Methods Online. 

Article search tips

While it is always best to use subject specific databases that are related to your area of study you may encounter topics that don't fit neatly into any one area; theories and theorists are a good example of this. In these cases you may want to search multiple databases. 


Since quality, trustworthiness, and credibility will apply to qualitative research in the same way in every area of study this is a topic that may best be searched in multiple databases.


You can search the Thoreau Multi-Database Search to locate articles that discuss quality, trustworthiness, or credibility. 

You can try a search like the following in Thoreau or in a subject specific database, for example, ProQuest Criminal Justice.

1.   From the Library homepage, click the Start Your Research link in the toolbar along the top of the page.

Start Your Research link circled on the Lib. websi

2.   In the Search by database box, click on Thoreau Multi-database Search link.

3.  To access the advanced search feature, click on the Go to Thoreau’s Advanced Search link in the Search Thoreau box.

4. Enter the following:

First Search Box: quality OR credibility OR trustworthiness OR rigor

Second Search Box: qualitative research



In order to find results from peer reviewed article be sure to check the box next to Peer Review.


If you want to search in a subject specific database (e.g. Business Source Complete, PsycINFO, ERIC) you can set up the search just as it is shown here.