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Mendeley Citation Manager: Add & organize items

Add items from Library databases

Mendeley works best when you download the Web Importer for your internet browser. This lets you add items from the databases to your Mendeley library.

To add items from a search to your Mendeley library, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Mendeley.
  2. Perform a search in one of the Walden Library databases.
  3. In your browser toolbar, click on the Mendeley Web Importer icon. You may be prompted to sign in to Mendeley.

  4. You can choose and save items from the search by checking the box in front of the item you want to save.
  5. Add the articles to a specific folder in Mendeley by clicking in the folder box and choosing a folder from the list.
  6. Click Save all to save your articles.
  7. You can add an individual article by clicking on the article title, clicking the Web Importer icon, and clicking Save.

Even if you check the Download PDFs if available in the selection box, Mendeley will NOT save PDFs from the Walden Library. You will need to manually add PDFs to your Mendeley library.

Find out more about saving PDFs from the Library databases:

Add things to your library

Mendeley lets you search for articles online using Mendeley Web. Mendeley has pulled together a collection of articles from various sources, similar to Google Scholar. There isn't a way to link the Walden Library to Mendeley. This means you can add information about an article to your library, but you will need to do a separate search to find the full text of an article.

Check out these links from Mendeley for more information about Mendeley Web and other ways to add information to your library.

Find full text in the Walden Library

Because Mendeley does not add PDFs from the Library databases, you will need to check the Library to see you can find the full text PDF of the article. These are links to more information on finding full text in the Walden Library.

Organize your resources

Mendeley offers a variety of options for organizing and searching your resources:

  • folders
  • tags
  • notes
  • highlight PDFs
  • make notes on PDFs
  • sort your library by author, title, year, etc.
  • filter your search by tags, authors, journals, etc.

See more information from the Mendeley team on how to organize your documents: